David Hunter receives a phone call from Sandy who says that he won't be coming home for Christmas because he is staying
with his friend Joe Shaw.
Bernard Booth asks David if he could book another chalet. "Having guests for Christmas?" asks David. "No,
it's for me," says Mr Booth. He explains that Helen isn't very well and it would be better if she was on her own.
Meg tells Tish Hope about Hugh and Deborah Crisp's daughter. She phones Adam Chance and asks him if he could spare
her a few moments.
Jane Smith joins Shughie McFee and Doris Luke in the staff room and tells them that Mr Booth is moving out of his
and his wife's chalet and into a chalet by himself. "It's obvious they aren't suited," says Shughie. Shughie says
he will ask Bernard. "You watch me," he says. At that moment Bernard Booth comes into the staff room and Shughie
winks at Jane and Doris. "Bernard. What's all this about you and Helen busting up," says Shughie. Mr
Booth looks at Shughie and walks out. "Well I must say you handled that very well," says Jane.
Mr Booth comes back into the staff room and asks Jane and Doris to leave. Bernard Booth sits down and tells Shaugie
that he is entitled to an explanation. He tells Shughie that he and Helen had a silly argument and as a bluff he mentioned
divorce. "But she called my bluff," says Bernard.
Joe MacDonald takes another look at Benny's car and says if he sells it for scrap he might get his money back.
Deborah Crisp has tea with Meg in the sitting room and Meg tells her that she will need more time to think.
David Hunter goes to the garage and notices Benny's car. "Do you mean to say someone expects a repair job on that,"
he says to Benny. "It's mine," says Benny proudly. "Yours," says David, and pats the bonnet of the car.
A door promptly falls off. David walks around to the back of the car. "No L plates, no insurance, road tax.
Ummm, I'd say that would add up to a ten year suspension and a fine of about £500, wouldn't you," asks David, looking at Joe
MacDonald. "Yeah," agrees Joe. "Take my advice Benny. Get rid of it and forget about a car. Buy yourself
a bike instead. It's healthier and cheaper," says David, walking away. "I've never seen him riding a bike," says
Benny to Joe.
Deborah Crisp asks Meg how she found out about her and Meg tells her that Adam Chance told her about the initials D.D.
against cheques that Hugh had made out. "Mr Chance?" asks Deborah Crisp. "Yes, Adam Chance is the executor to
Hugh's will," Meg tells her.
*** End of Episode 3063 ***
Episodes 3064 to 3072 December 1978
See Archive Dvd Volume 15
Helen Booth comes into reception and joins Meg at the reception desk. Bernard Booth comes into reception from the
kitchen. "Helen, the doctor said you weren't to start work until tomorrow," he says. "Doesn't anyone care what
I says!" shouts Helen Booth, and rushes out. Mr Booth apologises to Meg and follows his wife out of the motel.
Diane Parker goes back to her flat which she is now sharing with Sharon Metcalfe whilst Jane Smith is away. Diane
tells Sharon that she didn't know Adrienne Palmer was Victor Lee's sister in law. Sharon says Joe MacDonald thought
she was his wife. "That's what she wants to be, his wife," says Sharon. Sharon tells Diane that Victor and Adrienne
are both coming round to the flat for dinner tonight.
Doris Luke takes Helen Booth something to eat in her chalet. "It's all over. We're getting divorced," Helen
tells Doris. "Oh no you can't do that," says Doris horrified.
Deborah Crisp see's Adam Chance in reception and acts very cooly towards him. Adam Chance guesses that she knows
he is Hugh Mortimer's executor and says it doesn't alter things between them. "No. It's over," says Deborah Crisp.
Doris Luke goes to the garage to see Benny's car which is looking better than before. Benny sits Doris in the passenger
seat while he takes the driving seat and pretends that he is driving. Suddenly Benny pushes the hooter and Victor Lee
comes rushing out of the garage office. He tells Benny to get on with his work.
*** End of Episode 3064 ***
Deborah Crisp tells Meg that Adam Chance used his relationship with her to get information from her. Meg tells Deborah
that she would like to meet Wendy Crsip before she decides what to do.
Jill Harvey arrives at the motel and is welcomed by Meg and David.
*** End of Episode 3065 ***
Diane Parker arrives back at her flat with groceries for the dinner party Sharon is giving for Victor Lee and Adrienne
Palmer. Sharon tells her that she is going to try and play it very cool but Adrienne Palmer gets on her nerves so she
wants Diane to make sure she stays calm.
Bernard Booth joins Helen in the staff room and brings up the subject of their talk about divorce. "It was a mistake.
The moment I said it I regretted it," says Bernard Booth. "You're right. It was a mistake," says Helen.
"Yes," says Bernard, smiling. "It was a mistake getting married. It's all over," says Helen, and walks out of
the room.