Patsy Harris goes to see Larry Wilcox at home and tells him that she will go and see the doctor about going on the pill
if he still wants her to. Larry tells her that maybe he was wrong, and tells her to cancel the appointment.
Edna Tilling and Doris Luke have a drink in the motel bar and Edna tells her sister that she is thinking of selling her
house and buying something smaller. She suggests that Doris comes to live with her, and Doris says it could be the answer.
Miranda Pollard see's Diane Hunter in the dining room and tells her that she would like to apologise for going on and
on about James WIlcox. She says she had no idea how Diane felt about him. Diane asks Miranda who told her and Miranda
says Paul Ross. Diane tells Miranda that it is all over now, and she wishes them luck, but Miranda tells her that it
is over between her and James.
Iris Scott see's a worried looking Joe MacDonald in the motel bar, and Joe tells her that they are cutting back in the
garage and he is worried that he will lose his job.
David Hunter goes to see J. Henry Pollard in his chalet and says he knows that Atkinson's have acquired the two garage
contracts. He asks J. Henry if he had anything to do with it, and J. Henry asks why he is asking. David tells
him that he knows he spoke to Sid Hooper, and J. Henry tells him that the information was volunteered.
Miranda Pollard finds Larry Wilcox in the motel bar and she asks him how his father is. Larry tells her that his
father is a bit depressed. He tells Miranda that he is having a birthday party next week and asks her to come.
Jill and Adam Chance discuss the garage situation. Jill says she can't believe that J. Henry is behind this and
Adam tells her that he crossed J. Henry and this is his way of getting back at him. David Hunter joins them in the office
and tells them that he got nowhere with J. Henry. David says if they get proof that J. Henry is behind this then he
wants him off the board of this motel.
Edna Tilling tells Doris Luke about a cottage she has seen. Doris says it's a bit expensive and she wouldn't be
able to go halves with her. Edna tells Doris that she musn't worry about that, she has been well provided for.
Sid Hooper and Joe MacDonald have a drink in the motel bar. Iris Scott sees them looking down and asks them
what's wrong. Sid tells her that J. Henry Pollard has stirred things up in the garage and he tells Iris the story.
Iris says she can't believe it. She says she knows that J. Henry Pollard has been doing a deal, and has been on the
phone a lot. Sid tells her that J. Henry hates Adam Chance and he will do anything to get back at him.
Larry Wilcox tells his father that he has invited Miranda Pollard to his birthday party. James Wilcox isn't too
pleased and says it could be a bit awkward.
Kevin Banks returns home.
Miranda Pollard backs out of the Wilcox party.
Jill Chance speaks to Miranda Pollard and says she could kill J. Henry. Miranda asks why and Jill tells her that
J. Henry has managed to persuade two of the garage's best customers to go elsewhere.
Barbara joins David in the sitting room. Douglas Brady, Barbara's brother, arrives and they welcome him.
He asks where Lisa Walters is and Barbara tells him that she has left. David asks Douglas if he has been in contact
with Lisa and Doug says no.
J. Henry Pollard goes into the office and receives a frosty reception from Jill Chance. Jill leaves the office
and J. Henry asks Miranda why Jill is so frosty. Miranda asks her father if it is true about the garage and J. Henry
admits it. Miranda tells J. Henry that David Hunter is furious and wants him off the board.
Later, Iris Scott goes to see J. Henry Pollard in his chalet and tells him that the boys in the garage are
saying that he is the one who is making the garage go bust. J. Henry says its just a little way of getting
back at Adam Chance for the way he treated her. Iris says she wishes he hadn't done that. She says Sid and Joe
are scared about losing their jobs, and they have done nothing to deserve that.
Patsy Harris has dinner with James and Larry Wilcox at their home. There is a ring at the doorbell and James answers
it to Miranda Pollard. She gives Patsy a birthday present.
Douglas Brady has a drink in the motel bar. Paul Ross comes into the bar and asks Douglas if his being here has
anything to do with Lisa Walters. Doug says yes, it has everything to do with her, and he asks Paul for Lisa's phone
number. Paul Ross tells Douglas Brady that he ruined Lisa's life, but he will give Douglas her phone number because
he beleives in letting Lisa make up her own mind.