Paul Ross discovers that he is too late for the job in Paris. David Hunter joins Barbara and Paul in the office
and Barbara tells him that Paul didn't get the job. David sits at his desk and asks Barbara if the roster has been altered
to make sure they aren't short staffed for Friday. "Is it Friday you're leaving?" he asks Paul, and Paul nods.
"Where will you go?" asks Barbara. "Sorry," says David, looking up from his work. "What?" asks Paul. "I
distinctly heard Barbara ask you a question. I didn't quite catch the answer," says David. Paul tells him that
he will probably leave the destination to the taxi driver. "Send us a postcard," says David, as Paul Ross leaves the
Barbara tells David that perhaps Paul could stay on. "He'll certainly be missed, won't he," says Barbara.
David says yes, but with all his comings and goings they could never be sure where they are with him.
J. Henry Pollard joins David and Barbara in the office and tells them that he has found a replacement for Paul Ross.
He says one of the men who works at his Scottish marina is joining them, and will arrive on Saturday.
Paul Ross comes into the office and, on seeing J. Henry Pollard, asks if this is an inconvenient time. J. Henry
tells Paul that they were just discussing his replacement. J. Henry asks Paul who at his Scottish marina he thinks is
best qualified to take his place and Paul suggests Ralph Sabbegi. J. Henry says he couldn't ask for a better recommendation.
"It's Ralph Sabeggi who is coming here to take your place," says J. Henry. "I trust he's got a return ticket,"
says David. "You see J. Henry, there is no longer a vacancy for your new spy as your old one, although no longer under
contract to you, has decided to remain so at the motel," says David. Paul Ross stares at David. "Correct Paul,"
says David. "Correct," says Paul.
Joe MacDonald telephones Percy Dobson to tell him that he has changed his mind about selling his house.
Marion Owen see's Sharon Metcalfe in the motel reception area and asks if she can have a word. The two women sit
down together in the bar. Marion tells Sharon that she isn't here to cast blame, but Sally is her sister and she has
seen what this is doing to her. Marion tells Sharon that Oliver is Sally's whole world, and everything revolves around
him. Sharon says she can imagine what Sally Banks is going through and she hates it.
Barbara Hunter and Valerie Pollard have dinner at the motel with Councillor Norman Berry. Valerie says J. Henry
heard that the bypass is being re-routed, and Councillor Berry says things are starting to happen.
Kevin Banks asks Kath how she got on at the doctor's. Kath tells him that she is to stay off work for a few days.
Valerie Pollard tells Barbara and Councillor Berry that she has a headache, and excuses herself from the dinner table.
Councillor Berry tells Barbara that he was going to invite Valerie and Barbara back to his flat for coffee, but she can
stilll come to his flat. "Hello David," says Barbara as she spots David standing behind Berry.
Oliver Banks tells Sharon Metcalfe that he has to tell Kevin about them himself before Sally does. He telephones
Kevin and asks if they could meet. Kevin isn't sure about leaving Kath on her own but Kath tells him that she will be
alright. Kevin tells his father that he will meet him in the motel bar.
When Kevin Banks has left the house Kath picks up Arthur's bowls trophy from the mantlepiece and looks at it. The
telephone rings but Kath doesn't answer it. She goes to the table, takes a couple of tranquillisers and walks out of
the front door.
Kevin and Oliver Banks have a drink in the motel bar and Kevin asks his father what the problem is. Oliver says
he knows how things have been between him and Sally. Kevin stares at his father. "You're not splitting up?" asks
Kevin. Oliver says yes. Kevin tells his father that he has always put up with it in the past. Oliver tells
Kevin that there is someone else, and Kevin knows the woman concerned. "It's Sharon Metcalfe," says Oliver. Kevin
says he can't believe it.
Glenda Banks arrives home and calls Kevin's name, then her mothers. She notices the bottle of tranquillisers open
on the table. "Oh mum," she says anxiously. Glenda telephones the Banks' home and asks Sally Banks if Kevin is
there but Sally tells her he isn't.
Kath Brownlow arrives home, soaking wet and in a daze. Glenda asks her where she has been, and Kath says for a
walk. "In the pouring rain," says Glenda. Kath tells Glenda that she just walked and before she knew it she was
standing in the middle of the bowling green, and she could see Arthur standing there. She begins to sob and tells Glenda
that she misses him so much.
Kevin arrives home and Glenda tells him off for leaving Kath on her own. She asks him why he had to go and see
his dad and Kevin tells her that his mother and father are splitting up. "Why? Did he says why?" asks Glenda.
"A little lady called Sharon Metcalfe," says Kevin.
Oliver Banks tells Sally that he has to go to a meeting. Sally looks at him, and Oliver says it is true, there
really is a meeting.
The following day Kevin goes to see his mother and asks her how she is. He says he spoke to his father and he knows.
Joe MacDonald goes to see Kath Brownlow and Kath says she heard he changed his mind about selling his house. Joe
says yes, he is going to rent it instead. He says he will have to find somewhere to live, preferably full board so that
he doesn't have to cook. Kath tells him that she has a place in mind.
J. Henry Pollard agrees to sign some documents concerning the casino on condition that Richard Lord becomes his personal
representative, serving only his interests.
Valerie Pollard goes into the motel bar dressed for dinner with J. Henry. She notices J. Henry talking to Richard
Lord and asks him if they are atill going out to dinner. J. Henry says yes, he will be ready in five minutes.
Two hours later Valerie Pollard is still waiting for J. Henry. David and Barbara Hunter return from their evening
out and find Valerie in the motel bar.
J. Henry Pollard tries to persuade Richard Lord to manage the casino for him but Richard says that will mean him remaining
in England when his fiancee is in Canada. J. Henry tells Richard that they will sign all the papers tomorrow.
As Richard Lord stands up to leave J. Henry says he is sure he has forgotten something. Richard tells him that his
wife left the bar two hours ago.
Jill Harvey talks to Sharon Metcalfe in reception. Glenda Banks comes to ask Jill something and Sharon says hello
to Glenda, but Glenda ignores her.
J. Henry Pollard asks Paul Ross to witness Richard Lord's signature on his contract to become J. Henry's personal representative.
Glenda Banks telephones Sharon Metclafe and says she wants to apologise for being horrible to her earlier. Glenda
asks Sharon if she would come round for a chat.
Paul Ross tells David Hunter that J. Henry Pollard has nominated Richard Lord as his representative which means
Richard will have access to certain papers which contain certain things which he is not proud of. Paul says J. Henry
got him to spy on Valerie Pollard and to get rid of the motel directors, but he didn't succeed. He says Richard Lord
will have the same job. David asks Jill if she would ask Richard Lord to come to the office.
Glenda Banks goes to Sharon Metcalfe's flat and Sharon says she does understand why she snubbed her. Glenda asks
her if she is in love with Oliver Banks and Sharon nods.
David Hunter and Jill Harvey talk to Richard Lord in the office and David says he wants to know what his intentions are
and what his involvement with J. Henry Pollard is. David tells Richard that J. Henry asked Paul Ross to spy
on J. henry's own wife, and Richard says he didn't know that.
Sally Banks tells Oliver that she told some friends of theirs that they would be at their dinner paty. Oliver says
no, but Sally says they have to keep up appearances. "It's not on," says Oliver. "Why?" asks Sally. "Because
I'm moving out," says Oliver.
Richard Lord joins Jill Harvey in the office. The phone rings and Richard answers it. He tells Jill that
it is Councillor Berry but Jill says she doesn't want to see him. Richard tells the receptionist to send the Councillor
through to the office. Jill asks Richard why he did that and Richard says he is curious.
Councillor Berry comes into the office and Richard says he has placed his face now. He says Councillor Norman Berry
was Chairman of the Education Committee when he appeared before them. Berry says he remembers now. Councillor
Berry tells Richard that he thinks he was unfairly dismissed from the teaching profession.