Joe MacDonald joins Carole Sands in the garage staff room and they have a cup of coffee. Joe notices that Carole
is worried about something, and guesses that it is men problems. He asks her if it's that the man doesn't care
but Carole says he does care, she is sure about that. Carole tells Joe that she loves this man and can't bare to be
without him. Joe tells her that she will get over it, and says if she ever needs anyone to talk to then she can talk
to him or Trina.
Ashley Lamont visits Eddie Lee in prison. Ashley tells Eddie Lee that Yvonne Brooks is better at answering
questions than he is. Eddie Lee says it's Reg Lamont who has set this up. "Next time you come to visit, it'll
be to see your own dad. When I've spilt it about him, he'll do ten years," says Eddie Lee.
Joe MacDonald tells Sharon Metcalfe that he is worried about Carole Sands, she is doing too much working at the garage
and at the Hunters. Sharon tells him that she will have a word with Mrs Hunter.
Rashida Malik takes a phone call for someone asking to speak to Doris Luke. Rashida tells the caller that Doris
Luke is busy at the moment and she will get her to ring back. Rashida Malik asks the caller for their name and then
phone goes dead.
Sharon Metcalfe goes to see Barbara Hunter in the motel office and says she would like to talk to her about Carole Sands.
Sharon tells Barbara that she thinks Carole might be doing too much, with both jobs and says she would like to take Carole
on at the garage full time. Barbara says that would mean her leaving them and she is a good housekeeper. Barbara
tells Sharon to go ahead and make the arrangements and tell Carole that she and David will back any decision she makes.
When Sharon Metcalfe has left the office Carole Sands comes rushing into the office and asks Barbara for the keys to
the Coach House. Barbara tells her to calm down. Barbara tells Carole that Sharon Metcalfe would like to take
her on at the garage full time.
Ashley Lamont arrives home and Reg Lamont asks him if there have been any developments. Ashley tells his father
that he had a little talk with Eddie Lee about Yvonne Brooks. Ashley tells Reg that he took Yvonne Brook's in for
questioning and she admitted it all.
Ashley Lamont tells Reg that Eddie Lee said all this would end up back oon his doorstep. "Eddie Lee's got
nothing on me and he knows it," says Reg. "Reckons he can get you ten years," says Ashley. Reg Lamont laughs.
David and Barbara Hunter have dinner at the motel. David spots Adam Chance and tells Barbara that he hopes Adam
doesn't spot them. Adam see's David and Barbara and joins them at their table. One of the diners stops Glenda
Banks and Glenda tells him that someone will serve him. She is about to walk away but the man grabs her arm. "Look,
leave me alone," says Glenda. David Hunter, who is sitting at the next table with Barbara, calls Glenda over.
David asks Adam Chance to have a word with the man, and Adam asks why. David tells him that he is much better at that
then he is. "At what?" asks Adam. "Smoothing people over," says David.
Adam Chance goes over the man's table to speak to him and to try and calm the situation down. Barbara Hunter tells
David that what this restaurant needs is a restaurant manager.
Ashley Lamont finds his mother alone at home and asks her where his father is. Jennifer Lamont tells him that Reg
is at the club. Jennifer Lamont asks Ashley if he and Sharon Metcalfe had a nice meal. Ashley tells his mother
that Sharon knows Eddie Lee better than any of them and if she thinks that Eddie will carry through any threat he makes, then
that takes things out of his hands. Ashley tells Jennifer that he was going to drop this case but he can't. "Is
there more about all this that you haven't told me?" asks Ashley. "No," says Jennifer Lamont. "Dad's activities,"
says Ashley.
Adam Chance and Jill Harvey see Rashida and Arif Malik coming into reception. Rashida excuses her self to get ready
for work. Adam and Jill tell Arif Malik that they are having a board meeting this afternoon and will bring up the matter
of him purchasing shares. Jill tells Arif Malik that they are all in agreement so it is only a fomaility. Adam
Chance suggests to Arif Malik that he returns to the motel at six o'clock this evening when they have finished the meeting
and should be able to formally welcome him onto the board.
David and Barbara Hunter are in the office when Jill joins them. David tells Jill that they have
decided to advertise for a restaurant manager. Jill tells them that she is against it.
Sharon Metcalfe and Joe MacDonald ask Carole Sands into the garage office and Joe asks Carole if she would like to work
full time at the garage. Sharon tells Carole that she has already spoken to Mrs Hunter and she is alright with it.
Adam joins Jill, David and Barbara in the office and Adam asks what is going on. Barbara tells him that they were
telling Jill that what they needed was an experienced waiter to manage the motel restaurant. "Look, I think the best
thing to do is to put it down on the agenda amd bring it up at this afternoon's meeting," says Jill. "Fair enough,"
says David. "Look I suggest that we have a nice, relaxed lunch to put us all in a good mood," says Adam.
Adam Chance gives David the morning mail and tells David that there are a couple of things he thinks they need to have
a quick word about.
In reception Rashida Malik receives a telex for David Hunter, so she asks the other receptionist if she could cover the
reception desk whilst she takes the telex through to David right away.
In the office Adam Chance tells David and Barbara that he has told Arif Malik to come to the motel at six o'clock so
that they can welcome him formally onto the board. Rashida Malik comes into the office and gives David the telex.
David looks at it and tells Adam, Jill and Barbara that he thinks he had better read this to them.
"Most hurt and annoyed to learn that Crossroads motel is selling shares on open market. Protest in strongest possible
terms. Remind you that your company made offer to sell me entire motel operation, offer was accepted by me only for
offer to be withdrawn quite irregularly and improperly. Insist you have moral obligation to give me first refusal of
any additional shares. Hereby declare firm intention to purchase such shares. Please telex immediately confirmation
that no sale of shares will be made until such first refusal has been exercised. Signed..." reads David. "J.
Henry Pollard," says Adam Chance.