Marion Owen goes to see Kath Brownlow and says she knows Iris Scott is difficult, and perhaps it might be better
if she stays with her for a little while. Later, Marion Owen tells Iris Scott that she went to see her aunt Kath and
she has agreed to let her stay with her for the time being. "You mean here, with you?" asks iris. She asks what
Kevin will think and Marion says it doesn't matter that Kevin is seeing Glenda. "Someone must have sent you, that's
all I can say," says Iris. "What time does Kevin get back?" asks Iris.
Later when Kevin Banks arrives home he asks Marion Owen what Iris Scott is doing here and Marion tells him that Iris
has had a row with the Brownlow's and they turned her out of the house in the middle of the night. Kevin asks her how
long Iris will be staying and Marion says as long as she wants.
Sandy asks Jill if she is going to let Sarah Jane go to Germany to spend Christmas with Stan and Jill says she can't
really refuse. Sandy tells Jill that there are some important papers for Mr Peterson and asks Jill if she could
ask one of the staff to take them to him. "I'll take them to Tom myself," says Jill. "Tom?" asks Sandy.
Jill tells him that her and Tom Peterson are just good friends.
Alison Cotterill tells Doris Luke what happenedto her and Doris tells her not to get too excited.
Marion Owen gets ready to go to a committee meeting before going on to a firework party. She asks Iris Scott if
she is coming but Iris says no.
Glenda Brownlow arrives at Marion Owen's house and tells Kevin Banks that she can't come to the firework party because
she has to work. She tells Kevin not to miss it on her account. Marion Owen and Kevin Banks leave the house together.
Jill Harvey goes to Tom Peterson's chalet and gives him the papers. Tom asks her to sit down and he offers her
a drink.
In the motel reception Rita Hughes books into the motel and she asks Meg Mortimer what chalet Tom Peterson is in.
"Chalet 4. Shall I ring through and tell him you're here?" asks Meg. "No. I'd like to surprise him," says
Rita Hughes.
In Tom Peterson's chalet Jill Harvey finishes her drink and prepares to leave. There is a knock on the door of
the chalet. "Come in," calls Tom Peterson. Rita Hughes comes into the chalet. "Rita!" says Tom Peterson.
Tom introduces her to Jill.
Doris Luke goes to the Brownlow's house and they prepare to go to the firework display. Doris asks them if they're
taking Iris Scott with them but Arthur tells her that Iris has gone.
Tom Peterson and Rita Hughes sit in reception and Rita brings up the subject of marriage. Tom tells her that it
wouldn't be a good idea because he is never in the same place for long enough. Rita says he could ask to be posted to
one place but Tom says he likes his job as it is and has no intention of giving it up.
Alison Cotterill is alone at Stonebank Farm when there is a knock at the door. Alison opens it to a nun who introduces
herself as Sister Catherine. Sister Catherine tells Alison that she belongs to the convent of the Sisters of the Poor
Clares and she is collecting any spare vegetables they may have. Alison tells her that it's really up to her uncle.
Iris Scott looks at the fireworks from the window at Marion Owen's house. She hears someone coming and quickly
sits down on the settee, puts cotton wool in her ears and pretends to be frightened. Kevin Banks comes into the living
room and see's her. He asks her if she is scared and Iris says yes, she hates fireworks. A banger goes off and
Iris jumps. kevin tells her that there is nothing to be frightened of, and he'll look after her.
Alison Cotterill talks to Sisier Catherine and tells her that she is a child of sin. She tells her that her parents
weren't married when she was conceived. She also tells Sister Catherine about Chris Hunetr and the baby she lost.
Iris Scott and kevin Banks sit together on the settee. Suddenly a banger goes off and Iris throws herself into
Kevin's arms. "Hold me tight," she pleads.
Alison Cotterill asks Sister Catherine to come to dinner at Stonebank Farm one day. Alison asks Sister Catherine
if she is allowed to come and go as she pleases in her convent and Sister Catherine tells her that hers is not a closed order.
Kevin Banks sits on his own in the living room of his aunts house. Iris Scott comes downstairs in her dressing
gown, puts her arms around him and kisses him. Kevin turns away.
Reg Cotterill returns to Stonebank Farm and Alison tells him that Sister Catherine visited her and she was asking if
they had any surplus vegetables. Reg Cotterill says he doesn't like their sort.
Meg asks Sandy if he has seen Tom Peterson's girlfriend and Sandy says he hasn't. Meg says she is very attractive.
She says Jill will be upset because she was getting quite fond of Tom Peterson.
Marion Owen returns home. kevin Banks tells Iris Scott not to try it on too much because his aunt will guess that
something is going on.
The following day in the motel staff room Glenda Brownlow, Kevin Banks and Iris Scott have a cup of tea. Glenda
asks Kevin if he went to the firework display but Kevin says no, he went to bed early. Iris giggles. Glenda asks
Iris if she went to the display and Iris says no, she was scared. "You scared of fireworks. That's new," says
Rita Hughes comes into reception and tells Jill Harvey that Tom Peterson ordered his breakfast at ten past seven and
it arrived at eighteen minutes past seven, and it isn't good enough. Jill tells her that she will see to it that it
doesn't happen again.
Glenda Brownlow catches Iris Scott alone and says she knows what she is up to and it won't work. Glenda says Kevin
is in love with her. Iris tells Glenda that Kevin has never said anything about his feelings for Glenda.
Iris says perhaps in the circumstances perhaps he should have told her. "Circumstances? What circumstances?" asks
Glenda. "You're going to hate me for this. Me and Kev. It just happened," Iris tells her. Glenda starts
sobbing and tells Iris that she is lying. Iris says she didn't mean it to happen, it just did. "I'm not saying
it means anything, I don't know. You had better ask him about that," says Iris.