Alison Cotterill returns to Stonebank Farm following her visit to the specialist. She tells Reg that she will be
in hospital for a few days so he and Benny will have to manage without her for a while. Reg tells her that Benny has
gone. "You sacked him," says Alison.
Joanne Dobie tells Richard Lord that she pieced together the shorthand notes that Richard tore up and made copies of
the reference. She then got David Hunter to sign his original reference and also got him to sign the false reference.
Richard asks her where the shorthand notes are and Joanne says she put them in an envelope and addressed them to David. "Would
you stand by Hunter and not me?" asks Richard. "Yes," answers Joanne.
Doctor Butterworth goes to Stonebank Farm and tells Alison Cotterill that she can go into hospital sooner than expected
because there has been a cancellation. Reg says it's impossible because they haven't got the money. He says Benny
has gone and taken the money with him. Alison tells him that Benny said something about putting the money in a safe
at the motel. Doctor Butterworth says he will go and see Meg Mortimer at the motel.
Joanne Dobie goes to see David Hunter. "I didn't think I'd be seeing you or Richard Lord again," says David.
Joanne tells him that she is leaving but she had to come and see him before she went. She tells David that he will get
a letter in the post which will puzzle him, but he must keep it. She tells him that the letter contains the shorthand
notes of his original dictation of Richard Lord's reference. She says Richard can't sue him because she didn't send
Richard's reference off, but sent David's original reference instead. David thanks her and asks her to stay on
as secretary, but Joanne says she can't after what has happened. "Please apologise to Mrs Mortimer for me," says
In reception, Richard Lord throws his chalet key onto the reception desk and walks out.
Diane Hunter moves back into ther flat and cleans it out. She hears a knock on the door and finds Steve Cater at
the door. He asks her where she has been because he has been trying to contact her, and Diane tells him that she has
been to America to see her son. Steve Cater tells her that he has moved back to the district. "Well?" asks Steve.
"Terrific," says Diane, but without much enthusiasm. Steve asks her if she has been seeing anyone else whilst he has
been away and Diane says no. "When I saw the name Hunter on your bell I thought I was missing out," says Steve.
Doctor Butterworth talks to Alison Cotterill and tells her that he didn't mean to upset her uncle. Alison says
her uncle has cared for her since she was very young and she can't go against his wishes.
Diane Hunter goes to work at the motel and she tells David that the next time he speaks to Chris he is to tell him that
he has made her life a misery.
Doctor Butterworth visits Stonebank Farm and gives Reg Cotterill an envelope containing enough money to pay
for Alison's operation. "Benny can't spell very well, but he can count. There's 700 pounds in there," says
Doctor Butterworth. Doctor Butterworth tells Reg Cotterill that Alison wants to have the operation but is refusing through
gratitude to him. Reg calls Alison downstairs and asks her if she truthfully wants to have the operation. "No
uncle, I won't have it," says Alison. Reg tells her that she is to do what she wants not what he wants.
Diane asks Steve Cater where he is staying and Steve says he is staying in the police barracks. Diane says he can
put all his gear in her flat.
Alison Cotterill decides to have the operation.
Florence Baker arrives at Stonebank Farm to go with Alison to the hospital. Alison is a little worried and tells
Florence that she doesn't know how her uncle will cope whilst she's in hospital. Reg Cotterill comes to see Alison off
and gives her a bible to take with her.
Diane and Steve Cater are at Diane's flat when there is knock at the door. Diane opens the door to David Hunter.
David tells her that he heard from Chris and he is involved in some big deal, but he will phone Diane tomorrow. Steve
Cater comes into the living room and see's David. "I've been expecting to see you around her," says Steve. "Pardon?"
asks David. "Your name n the door," says Steve. "Well, tell me, who's Chris?" he asks. Diane tells
Steve that Chris is David's son and he stayed at the flat whilst she was in America and that's why his name is on the door.
David tells Steve that Chris left Diane in a bit of a fix. "Moneywise," adds David, when he see's Steve Cater's expression.
Steve says they obviously have things to discuss, and he leaves the flat.
David tells Diane that Chris has got the £30,000 from his grandmother's will after all. "How did he manage that?"
asks Diane. David says that's what Chris is going to explain when he phones her.
Doctor Butterworth tries to persuade Reg Cotterill to visit Alison in hospital but Reg says he wouldn't be much comfort.
Reg says Alison really wants to see Benny, and he asks the doctor if he has any idea where Benny is. Doctor Butterworth
says the letter Benny sent was postmarked Peechy.
Steve Cater goes to see Diane on her morning off and tells her that he wants to help her out. Diane tells him that
what David Hunter said about Chris wasn't exactly true. "Ok, so there's been another fella, so what," says Steve.
""I married him, that's what," says Diane. Steve stares at her in disbelief.
Reg Cotterill goes to the motel and Florence Baker asks him if he has heard from Benny. Reg says no but Doctor
Butterworth thinks he might be in Peechy. Florence says thats where Benny used to work at Heywood Farm.
Diane explains to Steve Cater why she married Chris Hunter. She says the money was important to Chris and it wasn't
fair to dangle £30,000 in front of a young man and then make conditions.
Reg Cotterill goes to see Meg in the motel office, and she asks him how Alison is. Reg tells her that the operation
is at 6pm this evening. Meg says she has got some flowers for Alison and asks him if he could take them to her
when he visits. Reg tells her that he won't be visiting Alison but Florence Baker will. Meg is a little surprised
and says she will give the flowers to Florence.
Reg Cotterill decides to visit Alison in hospital and he takes her a locket which once belonged to her mother.
He tells her that the locket contains a picture of her mother. Alison opens the locket and looks at the photo inside.
"She was beautiful," she says.
Doris Luke returns to the motel and Glenda Brownlow asks her where she will be staying. Doris tells her that she
will be staying in the boarding house, and Glenda says it won't be the same without Benny. Doris asks her what she means
and Glenda tells Doris that Reg Cotterill gave Benny the sack. Doris says she'll soon sort Reg Cotterill out.