Meg telephones Joe MacDonald at the garage and asks him to come to see her in the sitting room after he finishes work.
Victor Lee asks Sharon Metcalfe what she is doing that evening after work and Sharon says she is helping Geoffrey
Foster with some work.
Joe MacDonald goes to see Meg and David in the sitting room and Meg tells him that when two memebers of staff get married
they usually provide the reception as a wedding present. Joe thanks them and tells them that Trina's parents had set
their hearts on doing the reception. David tells him to talk things over with Trina's parents.
Sharon Metcalfe arrives at Geoffrey Foster's home and whilst they are sorting out some paper work Sharon finds a booking
for a trip to Paris for Geoffrey Foster and his wofe. Geoffrey tells her that he had forgotten about it and will have
to cancel it.
Cyril Watkins goves Ira Turvey a large official looking envelope. "I'm sorry love. It's a county court summons,"
Cyril tells her. When they open the letter they find it is a rent summons for £100. Ira says that can't be
right because she made sure she paid the rent. Harry Turvey comes downstairs at that moment and Ira shows him the summons.
Harry says they don't owe anything because he paid the money in. Ira Turvey fetches the rent book and looks at it.
She see's that there were no payments after a certain date.
Lloyd Munro tells Barbara Brady that he was thinking of asking Meg to dinner. He asks her if he should invite John
Farnham or David Hunter. Barbara says she hardly knows either men so she can't decide.
Ira Turvey asks Harry what he did with the money she gave him to pay the rent.
Lloyd Munro see's John Farnham at the motel and asks him if he would like to have dinner with him at the cottage.
John says he will drop by and they can arrange it.
Meg asks David if he has met Lloyd Munro's housekeeper and David says he has. Lloyd Munro joins them in the sitting
room and David leaves hm and Meg alone. Lloyd asks Meg to come to the cottage for dinner. He says it's a pity
David went because he was going to ask him as well.
Marion Owen goes to see Ira Turvey at Cyril Watkin's shop. She asks if Harry Turvey is alright because he was so
upset yesterday when he got the results of his tests. "Doctor Farnham does believe him, about the pain?" asks Ira.
"Oh yes," Marion Owen assures her.
Geoffrey Foster arrives at the garage with a large bouquet of flowers for Sharon who isn't in the office.
David and Meg discuss where they will get the vegetables from now that Ed Lawton will no longer be supplying them.
David suggests they start up their own market garden, using the old airfield behind the motel. "And who is going to
plough it?" asks Meg. David looks at her and smiles. "I never thought of you as a man of the soil," says Meg.
Sharon Metcalfe thanks Geoffrey Foster for the flowers. Victor Lee looks on.
Doctor John Farnham goes to Lloyd Munro's cottage, and tells Barbara Brady that he saw Lloyd earlier and he mentioned
something about dinner. "I suppose he will want to invite a man to sit beside you," he says.
Cyril Watkins tells Harry Turvey that he will have to go to court and answer the charges against him. Cyril Watkin's
tells Ira Turvey that he will give her the money to clear the debt, but she musn't tell Harry because it'll teach him a lesson
to make him sweat a bit.
Lloyd Munro finds a note book at the cottage with the letter E written on it. He asks Barbara Brady if it might
belong to John Farnham. Lloyd asks Barbara who she thinks he should invite to dinner, John Farnham or David Hunter.
"Since I know more about him, David Hunter," answers Barbara Brady.
Lloyd Munro meets John Farnham at the motel and asks him if he left a notebook at the cottage and John says no.
Lloyd asks John Farnham to come to the cottage that evening. "It's Miss Brady's evening off so she won't be there,"
says Lloyd. Doctor Farnham tells Lloyd that he has a prior engagement.
John Farnham asks Trina Jameson, who is on reception duty at the motel, for the phone number of Lloyd Munro's cottage.
He phones Barbara Brady. "I understand tonight is your night off," he says. "Who is this?" asks Barbara Brady.
"Would you have dinner with me?" asks John Farnham. "Where?" asks Barbara.
Joe MacDonald asks Sharon Metcalfe if she knows of any flats for sale or to let because Trina's parents want them to
live with them after they are married, but her has already told his parents that he and Trina will be moving in with them.