Benny asks David Hunter if he knows of anywhere that takes in lodgers. David advises Benny not to settle in King's
Oak because there isn't a lot of work for him to do and they can't really afford to keep him on.
Sharon and Victor prepare an advertisement asking for a general help in the garage. Sharon Metcalfe asks Victor
Lee about Adrienne Palmer's husband and Victor tells her that Adrienne and her husband weren't suited from the start.
"How could you know that?" Sharon asks him. "I should do. I was courting her for a year," Victor tells her.
*** End of Episode 3045 ***
Sharon goes to the motel kitchen to collect the cups of coffee and says hello to Doris Luke and Benny. Benny mumbles
a hello back, and then leaves the room. "Not a happy man," Sharon says to Doris Luke. Doris tells her that Benny
will be out of a job soon. "Umm, I wonder," says Sharon deep in thought.
Sharon Metcalfe takes Benny to the garage and Sharon tells Victor Lee that Benny is looking for a job.
Mr Booth tells Shughie McFee off for the state of the store cupboard. Doris Luke offers to make them all a cup
of coffee. "I'll say when you can have a coffee break. If there's one thing I can't stand it's laziness," says
Bernard Booth. "Lazy!" exclaims Doris Luke.
Mr Booth suddenly remembers a letter he forgot to give to his wife, and Shughie also suddenly remembers a letter he forgot
to give to Bernard Booth. He hands the letter to Mr Booth who opens it. "It's from my cousin Tina Whittaker,"
he says and continues to read the letter. Shughie picks something up from the floor. "You dropped this Bernard,"
says Shughie and hands him a photograph. Helen Booth comes into the kitchen at that moment and Mr Booth hurriedly
hides the photo under a pile of plates. Bernard Booth gives Helen the letter for her and leaves the kitchen with her.
Shughie McFee takes the photo from its hiding place. He looks at the photo of a baby.
*** End of Episode 3046 ***
Benny rushes into the kitchen and tells Shaughie and Jane Smith that he has another job, cleaning in the garage.
The inquest on Irene Bailey is underway with David Hunter and Jane Smith attending. Mr Bailey tells the coroner
that his wife went to the Crossroads Motel to get away from it all. The coroner asks David Hunter if it is true that
Mrs Bailey had mentioned that her husband was asking her for a divorce and David says yes, but Mrs Bailey said she wasn't
going to give him a divorce. Mr Bailey says there was never any mention of divorce. "But some people seem
to think there was," says Mr Bailey glancing accusingly at David.
The coroner then reads an extract from the letter Irene Bailey wrote to Doctor Butterworth. "It seems from this
letter that an intimate relationship existed between the two of you. Is this true?" the coroner asks Doctor Butterworth.
"Yes, " answers the doctor. David Hunter stares at him.
*** End of Episode 3047 ***
Episodes 3048 to 3056 November 1978
See Archive DVD Volume 14
The coroner records his verdict on Irene Bailey and says it's obvious from the letter Irene Bailey wrote to Doctor Butterworth
that she was emotionally involved with him, but all the same Doctor Butterworth did all he could for Mrs Bailey, and he should
be praised.
Bernard Booth joins his wife in their chalet and reads her the letter from his cousin Tina Whittaker. Helen asks him
if she can read it but Bernard tells her it's all about the family and wouldn't really interest her. "Well if that's
the way you feel about it," says Helen.
Doris Luke sits down in the kitchen to have a cup of coffee with Shughie McFee and she finds the hidden photo under some
plates. Shughie tells her that it came in a letter for Mr Booth and for some reason he hid it. Doris says she
will take it over to Mr Booth's chalet and give it to him.
Doris Luke goes to the Booth's chalet and finds Helen Booth alone. Doris hands her that photo and tells her that
it came in a letter Mr Booth received. "I can't think why he'd want to hide it," says Doris. "Hide it?" asks Helen.
"Yes. Shughie McFee says he saw Mr Booth pushing it under a plate," Doris tells Helen Booth.
Philip Bailey goes to the surgery and asks Marion Owen if he can see Doctor Butterworth, but Marion tells him that the
doctor is out on his rounds. "He might be a long time," she says. "I'll wait," says Mr Bailey. "Aren't you
aware that the inquest is over," says Marion Owen. "My inquest isn't over. An overdose of insulin was the finding,
but what I want to know is why she took it. And I want to get to the truth behind her relationship with your Doctor
Butterworth," answers Mr Bailey.
*** End of Episode 3048 ***
Helen Booth looks at the photo of Tina Whittakers baby, and tells Doris Luke that Mr Booth wants to start a family.
"And he's anxious because his cousin has started a family so soon?" asks Doris.
Meg tells Doctor Butterworth that Marion Owen phoned and asked for him to go back to the surgery as soon as possible.
Bernard Booth returns to the chalet and Doris Luke leaves him and Helen alone. Helen hands her husband the photo.
"I dind't know your cousin had had a baby," she says. Bernard Booth says he didn't think it worth mentioning.
Doctor Butterworth arrives at the surgery and finds Philip Bailey waiting. They go into the doctor's room.
"Every year you dine alone but this year you made an exception. You had dinner with Irene," says Mr Bailey. Doctor
Butterworth says that is correct. "And after dinner?" asks Philip Bailey. He asks the doctor why he produced the
letter Irene Bailey wrote to him.
Philip Bailey says his wife mentioned in the letter something about setting up a medical centre and Doctor Butterworth
says he has no intention of setting up any centre. Philip Bailey says he listened to the gossip in the village
but now he actually knows Butterworth he doesn't believe it. "It's all my fault. You see, I thought Irene was
too old for me, so I went off with a younger woman. The day she died I had an appointment with my solicitor to tell
him that I wanted to withdraw the petition for divorce. I wanted her back," says Philip Bailey.