Here's me. I think I was looking for some shade and Pepe insisted on taking the picture. we're not far away
from the lovely 'Desert Coral' hotel.
Marilyn nervously making the acquaintance of 'Lotus', our friendly camel. In fact, it was us who gave her the name
- nobody could pronounce the Arabic version!
Marilyn, halfway towards getting a marvellous tan.
Back again, in Djerba, buying something from one of those mysterious little bazaars. I'm not sure now exactly what
it was, but I do seem to be having trouble working out the price!
Here's Pepe, looking as though he's about to throw me across his camel and ride off into the desert. I should be
so lucky!
Carlos and I having our daily dip. Most days it was the only way to keep cool. The towel wasn't meant to
join us.