Dragon's Domain

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Dragon's Domain

Tony Cellini is a man of contrasts.  He is tall, strong, rugged and an all-round sportsman.  But he is also a sensitive, imaginative poet.  The two aspects of this Alpha astronaut are, perhaps, responsible for the plight he has found himself in.
Commander John Koenig and Doctor Helena Russell disagree emphatically about him.  Cellini and John Koenig are old friends and Koenig is staunchly loyal in trusting Cellini's integrity; but Helena has always had doubts about his mental stability, believing him to be a suppressed hysteric.
The mystery surrounding Tony Cellini is revived when he appears to go berserk and tries to take off, entirely alone, in an Eagle command module.  He is restrained and kept under observation in the Medical Centre as Koenig and Helena again argue about the drama which developed from a space probe of which Cellini had been in command before the moon broke away from Earth's orbit.
The longest journey ever undertaken by man was launched to confirm the discovery made by Professor Bergman of a new planet given the name of Ultra.  Accompanied by medical expert Doctor Monique Fauchere, astro-physicist Doctor Darwin King and radiation expert Doctor Juliet Mackie, Cellini set out on the hazardous probe.
Only Cellini survived after a frantic escape, with a story the experts refused to believe - the story of an eerie area of stationery spaceships, a graveyard in space, with a terrifying outcome with the opening of airlocks, admitting a gruesome, rampaging mass of writhing tentacles.
Cellin's desperate lashings with an axe saved his life but the others fell victim to the monster.  Cellini has lived with the nightmare ever since.  Now, by a chance in a million, the moon has drifted into that area again, but only he realises this.  Can he now vindicate himself?  Trying to do so involves his Moonbase colleagues in a crescendo of horror ...  
Episode synopsis from Guide Book provided with the Digitally Restored Network/Granada Ventures Series One Box Set    
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