Crossroads' Odd Couple ... continued

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The couple led very different lives before they got together.  For years Ronald shared a flat with his close friend, actor Brian Hankins, who once played a doctor in Crossroads.  Brian died six years ago after a long battle against cancer during which Ronald nursed him.
Sue lived a sexy independent life starring in films like The Stud, The Bitch and Revenge of the Pink Panther.  Then she wrote her racy life story about her lovers, including Peter Sellars and Sean Connery.  "I don't think my mother was very pleased at the time," she smiles.     
Ronald never mentions Brian, but his death has obviously left deep scars.  "Dying painfully is my greatest fear," he said.  "The undignified, slow, painful death.  I have been close enough to be aware of it - I have nursed people through it."
He and Sue found comfort in each other after both experienced heartbreak.  Sue's 'real boyfriend', film producer Richard de Vivier, who lived with her in London, walked out.  It left her shattered.
Ronald revealed that since they started living together he and Sue have kept their financial affairs strictly separate.  "We didn't set out in life to build something together," he said.  "I had both my places before Sue came along and we have no plans to buy anything together."
How long can their romance last?
"How long is a piece of string?" said Ronald.  "I am committed to an extent and one never knows what the extent is until you come to the end of it.  I like to think that what is final is my word - rather than something imposed on me.  If I make a promise I keep it - regardless of how or when or where it was made."
Sue repeats what she always says about their relationship:  "We're a daffy, strange mixture but we get on terribly well." 

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