Death's Other Dominion

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Deaths Other Dominion

The codename given to the planet which has come into view is "The Ice Planet" because of the computer readings that it has atmosphere, but temperatures Moonbase Alpha personnel would find intolerable, dropping at night right down to 230 degrees below. Its gravitational pull is so strong that it is affecting the moon's trajectory.
Then, surprisingly and dramatically, a signal is received.  It is a human voice, reporting:  "We have life here, a long life that you could share ... Ultima Thule is a lost paradise.  Come!"  For Commander Koenig, the prospect is so interesting that he decides to investigate.  Accompanying him in the reconnaissance Eagle are Doctor Russell, Professor Bergman and Alan Carter at the controls.
They land.  The planet's surface is deep in snow and ice, hidden in an impenetrably thick mist, the wind howling.  They are able to identify where the signals are coming from.  For a time, they get separated.  Carter manages to get back to the Eagle; the others succeed in getting together, fighting what seems to be a losing battle ...
Episode synopsis taken from Guide Book provided with the Digitally Restored Network/Granada Ventures Series One Box Set  
Copyright  Granada Ventures